Recommended by Mark Dolan
This is a GREAT mix of heartfelt and comedy writing. For me, the serialized book from Carissa is out of this world especially if you are a pet lover!
Stephanie manages to humanize and make accessible the art and practice of risk management and system thinking. We would all be a little happier if we were a bit less reactive and took the time to understand what was going on before we jump. For me, learning something new is what I look for in a book -- it's a real bonus to find it in a weekly Newsletter!
I love reading but this Newsletter makes me realize there are people out there who REALLY LOVE reading. SoNovelicious is great, even beyond the genre of books you might enjoy. Its fun, educational and POSITIVE. A trifecta of goodness.
I've been reading Ruth's Newsletter for a while and it is so consistently great I know I took too long to recommend it. A wonderful mix of heartfelt, food talk, deep when it needs to be and travel journaling. If these aren't your genres, they should be.