What’s it About?

It is easy to be negative, but positive feels so much better. I write about the wonder of living today with a positive outlook every Monday. Sometimes it is tech, sometimes it is nature, and sometimes a personal story. I aim for you to leave with a smile, learn something new, or just something to think about.

Interesting, How About Examples?

Iron Deficiency {this one is all about what makes planet Earth so right}

Basalt & Gneiss {some of the fun things you can do with old rocks}

Let’s Make Mirth & Coffee {just fun stuff and the merits of great coffee}

The Norman Conquest {this is my favorite story about the difference one person can make for the better}

Why Subscribe & What Does it Cost?

It’s all free for the foreseeable future. I write for joy and proficiency. I want to write a book in retirement and this sharpens me up. If you like murder mysteries, I hope to scratch that itch down the road. I only ask you to leave a comment once in a while. My community of Subscribers is a wonderful place to be. We cannot get better without some brutal honesty. Please come and join the fun. I have written ~200 essays across a fun range of topics. The homepage filters them by topics if you need more examples to be sure.

Subscribe to Why Living Today Rocks

It's the BEST time EVER to be alive! We live longer, better, and safer than at any time in human history. Enjoy a dose of what makes it so great and a bit of positivity every Monday.


A happy Minnesota transplant who considers it well-named the Star of the North (L'Etoile du Nord). I write about my interests and experience always with an eye to the positive thought this is the best time ever to be alive.