
Anonymous Comment -- I received this comment on the post from a good friend on the back-channel. I thought it was fantastic. There is nothing better than when I get corrected. Thank you to anonymous for being a good friend.

"I read your post on the likelihood for life to exist elsewhere. Nice. I agree it is a certainty that life exists today in many many other places, including in our own Solar System. It think it is also a certainty that intelligent advanced life exists or has existed. The universe is so big and so old that the experiment is being (has been) repeated billions upon billions of times. Ours cannot be the only instance that resulted in sentient advanced life. I also know that the universe is so old that many of these other experiments ended in extinction either thru natural causes or suicide. Your assumption that the current asymmetrical threat that exists today on Earth must also occur in the other experiments is faulty. I can imagine other beings and societies where individualism does not exist. In those civilizations the threat posed by empowered crazy antisocial individuals would not exist."

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Phew thanks for the reminder how fast this train is going and how it will just continue to accelerate! Hang on!!!

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What a great post! I love it. I also am optimistic that we might eventually figure things out, after a lot of struggle, if we give ourselves enough time to do so. If only we could eliminate the struggle part, but then we wouldn't be human. It's like wishing I could skip the 'rough draft' phase....

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I've never heard someone refer to cockroaches as "cool"! Nevertheless, this piece was super thought-provoking. I also love the idea that we could be the aliens!

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May 1, 2023Liked by Mark Dolan

Yes change and intelligence one seldom comes with the other. If we could only think the way we do in later stages of life but you see how it all makes sense. Having too much intelligence in youth wouldn't serve you and having too much change shakes a sense of security and trust in one another and in turn all things. Knowing we all have to do better is the quest and we never reach it because it is ongoing. We become nicer, more gentle and understanding in advancing years esp if one is not so now..then we exit. Because too much knowledge is a dangerous thing ☺️

Good read Mark

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Yes someone out here in the galaxy is reading this at 6am! Humans are reactive. We will figure it out when the time comes. I do believe, like you this is a great time to be alive. It is reassuring we have the power to control what is in our sphere of influence each day.

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