Cool article. Long but definitely aligned with my own Personal Truth. Thank you.

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Thanks for taking the time to read and comment. Back when I was writing a lot but early on some of the posts were WAY TOO LONG. I eventually got them to a much more manageable length. Thanks for enduring. We are remarkable creatures -- with the seeming ability to hold two things as true even through they conflict with each other :)

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People are very afraid of looking at the beliefs that underpin their lives. The thought of losing that ‘stable foundation’ is terrifying. Who are we if those beliefs are wrong?!

The massive division in America really brings it home. Under the surface we’re all the same, but America seems to really push people to say that they are one side or the other (Republican vs Democrat) and life is never really that black or white. In Australia, it’s Liberal vs Labor, two political parties which had very similar beliefs last century, but the gap between them keeps on getting wider. Heartbreaking. Thanks for making me think anyway. All the best.

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The blue vs red thing is absurd. My only faith is that this sort of nonsense has happened previously in our history and we hopefully work our way through it. If there was a theme to my writing it was exactly as you say no black and white, only shades of gray. Back when I was posting a lot I never settled into a "pattern". Just wrote about what I felt like. I think I wrote a bit about beliefs a couple of times but did get some pushback. If you have time and inclination I wrote back to back posts titled. https://markdolan.substack.com/methuselah-the-man and https://methuselah-the-tree

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Thank you. I’ll have a peek.

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hope they make you laugh

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This is the 2nd of 4 What is This posts? I thought this might generate some interest but not so far. Today's "What is this" is a great gift from my son and daughter-in-law. Perhaps inspired by Chinese statues that merge a lion and a dog, the Okinawan Shisa differ slightly. They are very popular. The females traditionally have mouths closed and males have mouth opened. They are typically shown in pairs and are protectors.

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They look like those little Chinese statues to me. 😃

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That makes you smart :)

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No, I’m Australian, and there are more Chinese influences in my life than I suspect there are in America. 😃 (Plus I worked for a year on Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean - 10% white population, 10% Malay, 80% Chinese. It was an extraordinary year.)

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