Japanese sweet potatoes are an absolute dessert! And they put all other sweet potatoes to shame ;)

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Mark I share your struggle with length! I keep to a strict mine 12 minutes/2500 word limit these but it’s a struggle and ten minutes/2000 would really be better.

I can’t believe half the potato crop goes to chips and fries. Holy moly!

Very glad to have the something else option this issue btw. The winner: potatoes au gratin!

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Both Are True. Wait I could not resist urge to answer at least one time with that new power phrase you have given me. Reminds me of when my teenager went through a phase where if you asked her anything she would always say " I don't know". How long and how many times can you not know? Well the I dont know phase lasted several years... Im afraid The Dr Atkins Revolution ruined things for the huble potato and the bagel for several decades. Dr Atkins has passed away so I can say out loud I still love my sweet potatoes!

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My list of food intolerances is long. Even longer because of an auto immune disease and night shades are a no-no. Sometimes I take the potato plunge but a yam is always the better choice. This, I couldn’t take your poll.

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I can live without chocolate (I know, weird) but I will fight you on my potatoes. Truthfully, I know they are full of carbs, especially those made into french fries and potato chips. Which also happen to be my favorites. But because I know they are full of carbs I do limit them. Sigh. This was an entertaining rabbit hole to fall into. And I voted "something else." Because: French fries, of course.

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Yes the tater reminds of that comedian Ron White I think is the name. Protein imp yes Mediterranean diet one of the best. Two items ya gotta like, lemons and cous cous, may be your other for rice. Also chick peas very high in protein. The Med diet is on the best lists mostly because it highlights fruits and veggies, soups and spices. I take lemon with water about each morning for quite a while and honey with lemon best throat and cold-like remedy too. Eating more of whats truly good is the first step to never eating what's truly bad. Japanese eat meat but, in much smaller portions. Around the world eating one nutritional meal in the middle of the day is key. Colder climates and regions dictate diet.These are some of the tips I've learned in my spin around the planet. Interesting and informative read Mark

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Potatoes are awesome!

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