The Minnesota fair reminds me more of the Erie County fair in NY than it does the Texas state fair, which I wrote about here: https://bymystride.substack.com/p/fairing-the-state-fair. And I have to admit, I think I liked the Erie county one better. Llamas??? My husband and I must visit MN!!

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OK, the llama and alpaca fashion show is just great. They're fun animals to take for walks but I've never seen them dressed up before. Also the food. Some looked great, some just looked weird, like an experiment in how much fat, sugar and salt can be crammed on a stick.

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Llama fashion show?! Haha. I love this piece. It’s important to learn about cultures from other states in this great nation. Are people generally friendly at the fair?

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I'd go for the llama fashion show and also the seed art. Plus, I have a weakness for carnival food, which luckily I don't indulge often. I enjoy our Oregon state fair, but I must admit its been years since I've attended.

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Mark, you definitely make me wish I was there--for the llama and alpaca contest alone! So glad your state fair is not giving in to healthy options that might "ruin the traditions of excess and everything on a stick." I believe that butter-carving competition is famous, as it should be. I can't even keep butter in a compact cube in my hot kitchen! My clicking of "Don't Miss It!!!" in your poll was a bit of wishful thinking. Thanks for giving us a preview. Can't wait for more updates from the fair!

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My Something Else answer: I wish I could be there! The alpaca and llama fashion show looks amazing! I looked at the new food link and am awed by the sheer number of delicious looking options - it must be hard to choose! Have fun!

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America is counting on you this year to be our eyes and ears on the ground at the Minnesota State Fair Mark! That's a huge responsibility so keep reporting. I admit I was curious and I clicked on the butter carving links. So fun. Enjoy Duran Duran.

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