I think "The Rise of the Chicken" could be a short story. Maybe even a novel.

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What a great article! I didn't know quite how bad chicken was, re: viruses and bacteria. Eeeeeesh. I'll probably back away from that. Not a red meat fan though lamb and grass-fed beef are all right once in a while. My favorite is sardines, but I realize that's not a popular position :-)

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“If meat consumption were a religion, chicken would be the fastest-growing religion of them all!” Love this!

I never feel as good eating any kind of food as I do after eating a giant steak. I wonder why? Is it psychological? But I don’t want steak every day. Chicken is generally no fun. The best everyday meat is pork though it does bother me how smart pigs are. Can’t science do something about that? I vote for dumber pigs!

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I've been feeling squeamish about chicken for a while, and it's much harder to find locally raised ones than it is to find grass-finished beef where I live. You might have pushed me over the chicken edge!

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