Yes ChatGPT is cool. My daughter showed me how to ask it to make my Substack articles funnier. Im not kidding!

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Hey Mark, that GO game may be Chinese in origin not sure. Hockey quiz are the Wild wearing the old Walters jerseys? Whatever happened to the Walkers my fav fish logo ☺️ Answered the poll for less spam. Thanks for the music clicks gotta scroll and enjoy

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For me, my cellphone is a tool, nothing more. I have a Motorola, btw, but I miss my old bare bones old fashioned flip cellphone (which my kids referred to as a dumb phone)... I just used it so I would have a way to make emergency calls, in these days of the vanished public phones. I was forced into joining the smartphone crowd when Tracfone got new cell towers and my dumb phone became obsolete. I chose my current cell phone because it was cheap. πŸ˜‚ I do like being able to read on the Kindle in bed, though... it's too dark for paper books!

I also like the anti-skid technology on my Subaru - it's helped me avoid a few accidents in snowy conditions. I'm pretty sure the smart cars would have trouble up here with the snow, since the lines on the roads can be pretty hard to find, especially on the usually badly plowed rural roads.

I also love Google, even though it sometimes seems a little creepy the way ads pop up related to recent searches. But I've come to rely on Google maps, Google news, and Google searches, so I guess having to put up with a few ads is okay - I usually ignore them anyway!

The Internet Archive is pretty cool, too. They are collecting all kinds of material, including music, movies, and of course books. You can check them out here, if you're interested: https://archive.org/

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Still reading this ( it's a long one!), but just wanted to let you know that your link to "It Starts in Your Head" is broken. However, Substack's search feature found it for me: https://markdolan.substack.com/p/it-starts-in-your-head - I'll read it after I have time to finish your current essay. πŸ˜‰

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Always glad to see anything about AI that walks the middle path between the typical anti-technology crowd and the people who watched the Terminator films too many times.

I am one of those Apple/Gmail people. I don't have a strong anti-Google feeling but I have a preference against their products. On numerous occasions I've tried to pivot from Gmail but I've been using it since 2005. The effort of changing my email always seems too great and I relent.

Finally, I'll show my rural, working class roots here and note you're drastically underestimating how passionate the competing car camps are! Specifically Ford vs Chevy. We seem to have a wonderful ability to become tribal about anything.

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Well, I continue to lament about the cars. ;) The key thing for me is, and has always been, not that technologies are good or bad, but that humanity should get to have some time and breathing space to get to know them and their effects on our lives. That's what the Luddites were protesting -- not the machines themselves, but at how they were being deployed for the benefit of only a few. With cars, I don't think it's okay that we have now upwards of 40,000 deaths a year in the U.S. from crashes, or the pollution from burning fuel, or the materials needed to make them. I want a world where we can all walk places safely and where we wish and have clean air! It's not cars that took that away, but how they were deployed and how we built, and continue to build, our world for them rather than for people. That can go for any technology I think -- all just iterations of the precautionary principle.

Have you really never heard Buick and Ford owners get into it?! Okay, maybe not that one, but I remember many, many arguments between Ford and Chevy owners in my younger years that were not at all about the cars but about people's identities. Identity runs very deep with humans, and doesn't lend itself easily to persuasion of facts!

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