This was fascinating. I learned so much about Orcas. Thank you. Have you watched the series Planet Earth II? It’s wonderful. The footage is stunning. They showed an Orca mama teaching her babes how to catch and kill a baby seal by torturing a baby seal for hours before finally having it for lunch. It’s a must watch show.

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I've been lucky enough to see killer whales twice in my life, once a pod just cruising along in Wellington harbour and once circling a piece of sea ice in Antarctica (the sea ice contained penguins so I'm sure you know where that story was headed).

And I never knew they were most closely related to hippos. That is so cool, thank you.

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I voted E. Billionaires. I'm sure the orcas agree with me.

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I am one with the 40% who wish rats were not mammals like us. Love the Orca story but I prefer to believe, as some news reports have implied, that they are getting back at us. Or more to the point, those filthy rich people. I know, I know, I'm bitter but oh well.

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Interesting in what ways the orcas are intelligent (group dynamics, sharing information (crows do this, too!)) and in what ways they make errors (mistaking yachts for sharks, just as sharks occasionally mistake humans on surfboards for fish!).

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Hey, what do you guys have against bats? They have adorable little doggy faces! It's not their fault that humans mixed them into the vampire stories. Google the flying fox - pure cuteness, plus it's a fruit eater.

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So fun to read about orcas! Thank you Mr. Dolan.

I had no idea what an echidna was so I looked it up. I learned that the difference between a hedgehog and an echidna is the echidna has much bigger feet!

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C'mon, bats, platypuses, echidnas, and rats are awesome! I am happy that they are all mammals like me. Orcas are cool, too. And "Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom" rocked! Fun post, thank you.

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Jul 10, 2023·edited Jul 10, 2023Liked by Mark Dolan

This is one of my favorites of your posts, Mark! And not just because you mention notes :) Briefly, in college, I considered becoming a cetologist because I was so fascinated by the social patterns of whales and dolphins. Your essay is a case in point--they are just SO interesting! Thanks for writing this and reminding me how much I love these creatures.

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