I go through patches of devouring books and patches where I struggle to read any. At the moment it's a struggle. My usual reading time is last thing at night, but I've been going to bed late and have been too tired to read. I need more discipline at bedtime, then I'll get on with some reading.

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37...So many books. The list of books I want to read is a book. I have actually bound it. But I am bound never to finish.

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Wow your readers are big book readers it seems. And your book club sounds awesome!

ALL my close friends are big book readers. I wonder what book readers in general have in common?

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I have The Soul of America on my to-read list (in actual-book form, not even ebook form!) - I'll bump it up. Thanks for the recommendation!

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One of the reasons I actually like Goodreads is because I find a lot of usefulness in all the people who are open about "this book didn't work for me specifically and here's why," which offsets the less useful "I didn't like it." It reminds me that not every book is going to work for everyone and that's okay and we all learn.

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Great newsletter Mark! Thanks for putting Firehouse on my radar and TBR. I hadn't heard of that before. I've read several 9/11 books and want to read this one too. Going down the rabbit hole also put Halberstam's The Fifties book and several others on my TBR. Just what I needed, more books to read. :)

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Gotta love your book club, even when you disagree. Yes it's hard to believe that someone would give a book a 3 when to another it was a 10. I see that in Restaurant Reviews - someone gives the restaurant a three instead of a 5 just because they had to wait for their seat - not really fair but welcome to the world where everyone has an opinion. It was a learning experience to me that a book club would allocate certain longer books to the five week months. Brilliant. I never heard that Peter Gabriel song before. I listened to it and then looked up the lyrics. Good song pick for today. Not written by Gabriel . Written by song writer Stephin Merritt. Songwriters often bring different content to their artists than the artist could write or create themselves. Collaboration is good like your book club, I'm sure.

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