Really thought-provoking exploration of consciousness! I think there are multiple levels of consciousness, one of which we might think of as "the soul" while other levels are more a simpler awareness of self as entity, which could take any of a huge variety of forms. A tree aware of itself might not be at all the same as a dog aware of itself. Or maybe it *is* just a matter of scale and connections, which would be mind-blowing in and of itself.

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“Elegance surrounds us” such a beautiful statement! And true!

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Hi Mark-- would love to know examples from the 1947 book that drew you to your conclusions and review.

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I enjoyed your writing but take issue with one facet of your thought. Even though you mention cave pictures as a form of communication, but state earlier that communication started 4000 years ago. I think early humanoids used many subtle forms to communicate with their fellow beings for a much longer period of time which recently has been pushed even farther back in time.

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Another fun, thought provoking piece! As a child, I spent most of my spare time with non-human critters, so I got to see evidence that they can think and how they communicate. The other day I witnessed my father-in-law's Yorkshire terrier learning something new. My husband potted up some raspberry plants on the deck for his father last year, and they started producing fruit a week or so ago. I take my father-in-law and his pup out on the deck almost daily to enjoy a bit of fresh air. He supervises while I pick the berries and then we share them while watching the birds. His yorkie is very interested in human food and soon began begging for her own share of berries, which she discovered were good. A couple days ago, she followed me as I picked the ripe berries, watching me carefully; after we all ate the berries, she went back to sniff at the plants and when she spotted some unpicked (unripe) berries, she pointed at them with her nose while looking back at me, making her thoughts very clear! She watches my husband's every move when he's cooking dinner as well. I swear, all that dog needs is opposable thumbs and she'd be ready to demonstrate the farm to table movement! Animals are pretty darn clever, we just need to watch them to see it.

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